
Symptoms for Perimenopause


Perimenopause and its symptoms

Menopause formally scripts the end of feminine reproduction. Many women go through a range of symptoms as their hormones shift during the menopausal phase. While this epoch is well known, there are essentially different stages in menopause that are significant to know and comprehend.

Menopause happens when you stop menstruating. Premenopause concerns the phase during which the body progresses towards the natural transition to menopause, which marks the end of the reproductive period. It is also known as the menopausal transition. Premenopause means “before menopause” and Perimenopause, on the contrary, means “around menopause.” Yet, healthcare experts prefer to use the term perimenopause to mention the years prior to menopause, when the hormone levels are altering while menstruation still happens. It’s also the changeover phase and is termed so because it occurs prior to menopause.

Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause

Perimenopause stage involves the typical signs or symptoms of menopause for instance like night sweats, sleeplessness, or irregular periods. A woman going through perimenopausal phase has periods that may be irregular, and she is still regarded as fertile. Through perimenopause, there are no visible transitions in the body, nevertheless hormonal changes may start to happen. Women go through a perimenopause phase at different ages. A Woman will observe the premenopausal symptoms of progression towards the menopause stage, for instance like menstrual irregularity in the early 40s of one’s age. Some women experience such signs in their mid-30s.

Through the menopausal change, the production of estrogen and progesterone in the female body increases and decreases. A lot of transitions you experience during the perimenopause phase are a result of the decreasing of the estrogen level. The average duration of this transition is about 4 years, but roughly for some women this premenopausal stage may last only for a few months or can even continue for 10 years.

Premenopausal Symptoms:

  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Hot flushes and sleeping problems.
  • Mood changes
  • Vaginal and bladder problems.
  • The decrease in fertility.
  • Changes in sexual function.
  • Bone loss
  • Changes in cholesterol levels.

Consult a doctor about your exact premenopausal symptoms. This will help them give a treatment that is right for you. To know more about premenopausal symptoms, visit