Hot Flashes Relief
There are various methods to relieve disturbing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, from prescription medication and HRT to simple but effective lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and other natural remedial methods.
In the following, we’ll discuss some natural remedies for hot flashes.
Water for Hot Flashes Relief
The simplest natural remedy for a hot flash is cold water. Try splashing cold water on your face at the onset of a hot flash to cool yourself down. Carry an insulated bottle that can keep water cold and have a full glass every now and then. Keep some water on the table next to your bed to relieve night sweats.
Weight Loss for Hot Flashes Relief
Body fat can trap heat inside and warm up your body core. Consequently, overweight women have reported more severe and frequent cases of hot flashes than those who are more fit. Exercising and opting for a low-fat diet will reduce hot flashes and lower the risks of experiencing menopause-induced anxiety.
Omega-3 for Hot Flashes Relief
Research indicates eating food high in mega-3 fatty acid is a natural remedy for hot flashes. A growing number of doctors are recommending fish oil supplements to treat hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings associated with menopause.
Vitamins for Hot Flashes Relief
Fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins, contribute to weight loss and help reduce hot flashes. Adding vitamins to your diet can be beneficial during menopause, especially combining vitamin E with Calcium can relieve hot flashes, reduce bone loss risks, etc.
Phytoestrogen for Hot Flashes Relief
Estrogen levels decrease significantly during menopause, contributing to hot flashes. The lack of natural estrogen can be compensated with phytoestrogens (dietary estrogens). Phytoestrogens are found in herbs such as Licorice root. According to a study conducted in 2012, Licorice extracts can help reduce hot flashes. However, plants and ingredients high in phytoestrogen should be consumed cautiously, preferably under the supervision of a professional.
KÃœLKUF Wristbands for Hot Flashes Relief
Here at KÅ°LKUF, we have come up with a technology that can naturally lower your body temperature. Try wearing a KÃœLKUF wristband and simply push a button whenever you feel a hot flash coming. The automatic five-minute on/off timer will also come in handy when using the device for night sweats. Order your KÃœLKUF wristband from our website.
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Frequently asked questions
Hormonal changes, menopause, thyroid problems, certain medicines, or underlying health conditions can all cause severe hot flashes.