
Exercise and Menopause: Staying Active During This Time 

Exercise and Menopause- Staying Active During This Time

Key takeaways:

  • Exercise can alleviate symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and mood changes.
  • Low-impact exercises like yoga and walking are great for reducing joint pain.
  • High-intensity workouts like running and weightlifting can maintain muscle mass and cardiovascular health.
  • Create a sustainable exercise routine that you enjoy and listen to your body.

Are you a woman who is approaching or currently experiencing Menopause? Are you looking for ways to stay active and maintain your health during this time? Look no further than exercise!

In this blog, we will break down the benefits of exercise during Menopause and provide tips and recommendations for staying active. Whether you prefer low-impact activities like yoga and walking, or high-intensity workouts like running and weightlifting, we’ve got you covered. 

So let’s dive in and learn how exercise can help you stay healthy and active through Menopause!

Why is exercise important during Menopause?

Menopause can bring physical and emotional changes, such as hot flashes and mood swings, making it even more important to stay active. Regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms and improve your overall health during this time of life. 

Benefits of Exercise During Menopause:

Regular exercise can provide numerous benefits for women during Menopause. Here are some of them:

Helps Manage Weight:

Women at a later age experience their metabolism slowing down. It can lead to weight gain. Moreover, exercise helps boost metabolism and burn calories, helping to manage weight.

Reduces Risk of Chronic Diseases: 

Menopause is when women become more susceptible to chronic diseases, including heart disease and osteoporosis. Regular exercise helps reduce the risk of these diseases and helps manage them if they occur.

Improves Bone Health: 

Menopause often leads to a decline in bone density and increases the risk of fractures. Weight-bearing exercises, including walking and strength training, can help improve bone density. Further, reduce the risk of fractures.

Reduces Hot Flashes: 

Exercise can help reduce the frequency of hot flashes, a common symptom of Menopause. Exercise can even reduce stress and anxiety, which can trigger hot flashes.

Improves Mood: 

Menopause can be a time of significant emotional changes, including depression, anxiety, and irritability. Exercise can help improve mood by releasing endorphins, natural mood boosters.

Improves Sleep: 

Sleep disturbances are expected during Menopause, but exercise can help improve sleep quality and duration. Exercise can also help reduce symptoms of insomnia.

Boosts Energy Levels: 

Exercise can help boost energy levels and reduce feelings of fatigue, which are common during Menopause.

Improves Brain Function: 

Exercise has been proven to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. It can be significant for women during Menopause, as they may experience memory loss and difficulty concentrating.

Overall, exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle during Menopause. It can help women manage their weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve bone health, reduce hot flashes, improve mood, improve sleep, boost energy levels, and improve brain function.

Tips for Staying Active During Menopause:

Menopause is a phase of significant physical and emotional changes. Staying active can provide numerous health benefits. Let’s jump on some tips for staying active during Menopause:

Find an Activity You Enjoy: 

The key to staying active during Menopause is finding an activity you enjoy. That could be anything from walking, jogging, swimming, or yoga. When you enjoy the move, you are more likely to stick with it.

Make It a Habit: 

Regular exercise is essential for staying healthy during Menopause. Include exercise in your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. It will help ensure that you get enough physical activity.

Exercise with a Friend: 

Exercising with a friend can make it more enjoyable. It also provides accountability and motivation, as you are less likely to skip a workout if someone is counting on you.

Set Realistic Goals: 

Set realistic goals for yourself. Go ahead with celebrating your successes. That could be anything from walking 30 minutes daily to completing a 5k race.

Mix It Up: 

Variety is the spice of life and is essential for staying active during Menopause. Mix up your workouts. Resultantly, it wouldn’t allow you to get bored. It could be anything from trying a new fitness class to hiking in a new location.

Stay Hydrated: 

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health. But, it is critical for Menopausal women, as they are at an increased risk of dehydration. Drink plenty of water before, during, and even after your workouts.

Dress Comfortably: 

Wear comfortable clothing and shoes when you exercise. It will help you feel more comfortable and confident during your workouts.

Listen to Your Body: 

Always listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard. If you’re feeling tired, take a break. Rest is just as important as exercise.

Practice Self-Care: 

Menopause can be a stressful and emotional time, so it’s important to practice self-care. Now, that could be anything from getting a massage to taking a relaxing bath.

Overall, staying active during Menopause is essential for maintaining physical and emotional health. Find an activity you enjoy, make it a habit, set realistic goals, mix it up, stay hydrated, dress comfortably, listen to your body, and practice self-care.

Best Exercises in Menopause

Exercise can be a great way to help women stay healthy and active during and after Menopause. Let’s pass through some best exercises for Menopause:

Cardiovascular exercises: 

Cardiovascular exercises such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing are great for maintaining heart health, improving circulation, and burning calories. They also help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Strength training: 

Resistance training means lifting weights or using resistance bands. It can help to build and maintain muscle mass and increase bone density, which can decline during Menopause.


Yoga reduces stress and anxiety, improves flexibility and balance, and relieves hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.


Pilates is a low-impact exercise that builds core strength, improves posture, and enhances flexibility and balance.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT): 

HIIT workouts are short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. It can help to improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, and increase metabolism.


It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before including any new exercise routine, especially if you have underlying health conditions or concerns. Additionally, incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine can effectively manage menopausal symptoms and improve overall health and well-being.